Tuesday, August 3, 2010

3 Months Old!

I took these photos of my babe at our cabin in MT. This was my "Papa G's" chair. I took this the last night we were there, I couldn't stand the thought of leaving and not capturing anything.


Scheris said...

super duper wonderful.. i can't believe the grass too! perfect photos.

Unknown said...

I love these pictures, Daina! It hurts my heart that we weren't there with you all.

Will said...


Danielle Weathers said...

Daina, Sloan is getting so big! What a cutie! Great job on the pics!!!

Daina Crowell said...

Thanks guys! Amy, we missed you and your "4" Monsters too!

Andrea said...

i love the sentimental value of those pictures...great chair!!! Sloan is so cute!!

Sarah J. said...

Oh my gosh, when did he get so big?! And he looks SO much like Leah. Wowzas! What great shots- handsome little guy.

KeNnEdOoDlE said...

Hey that's the chair that sounds like a train when your in the basement trying to sleep! ;D SO cute!

Tanya said...

Love them!!!! You are so talented!