While on our Christmas vacation, my niece asked if I would do photos with her and her friends. I was happy to do it. They were a blast to work with and as you can see very photogenic. All I can say is, I hope all their fathers own shotguns and keep them by the front door! Thanks girls for a fun day!
Thanks to a long Christmas vacation in Utah, I was able to do photos for my brother and his family. They haven't had their family photos done in YEARS! I like to flatter myself and think that it is because I haven't lived near them in years ;) This may have been my fastest photo shoot to date. It was FREEZING! Despite the cold, I was really excited about what I was able to capture in such a short amount of time. The kids were great and really stuck it in there with me. Poor 20 month old Shaw was losing feeling in his hands and that is when we knew it was time to call it quits. Thanks guys for a fun afternoon and for bringing such cute kids into the world to call me Auntie!
"The cobbler's kids never have shoes." In this case, I managed to get Christmas photos for my clients this year but NONE for my own Christmas card! Don't get me wrong, I like to be busy, but somehow ran out of time and nice days to get photos of my own kids. I had some borrowed lighting equipment and thought I would take advantage of them and do a shoot in my home. As you can see, the results were anything but stellar. The end result was me fuming through the ears with frustration at the lack of cooperation from my kids and photos that look like they were done by a first day employee at JCPenney. Of course I can laugh about it now, but please understand why you did not get a Christmas card from me this year. I love you anyway and Merry Christmas!